
Thursday, January 5, 2012

SCVNGR at Skyline

With the rise of smart phones, people "checking in" everywhere they go is one of the latest trends. It appears Skyline is looking to cash in on this with their latest promotion. I spotted this on the door of the Skyline on 4th and Sycamore (sorry for the glare, it was a sunny day):

SCVNGR is a combination of check-in app and game. For those not familiar with SCVNGR, here is a good description from Wikipedia:  "By going places and doing challenges, players can earn points. They are also able to broadcast where they are and what they're up to to their friends on Facebook and Twitter. By doing challenges, players can unlock badges and real-world rewards, such as discounts or free items."  It appears if you check in to SCVNGR at Skyline, you will earn points which can help you earn free items such as cheese coneys. 

This seems like a pretty smart promotion by Skyline. If you logon Facebook or Twitter right now chances are one of your friends have checked in somewhere. I typically do my check-ins on Yelp, but next time I visit a Skyline I will have to try this out. If you want to try it out you need an iPhone or Android device, download the SCVNGR app, and search for SkylineChili. If anyone tries this let us know how it works, would especially love to know how many check-ins it takes to earn free coneys!

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