
Monday, January 2, 2012

Final Phase of the Quest

First, we would like to wish all of our readers a Happy New Year!

Now onto some quest news. We are now entering the final phase of the Cincinnati Coney Quest. In the past 14 months we have visited 29 parlors, diners and restaurants in search of the best cheese coney in Cincinnati. There are a couple of restaurants that serve cheese coneys we were unfortunately unable to visit (mostly due to them having hours that didn't fit our schedule). Over the next month or so, we will revisit 4 of our favorite chili parlors to see if their ratings still hold up and to crown the best cheese coney in Cincinnati. When we wrap the quest up we will also have a "Best Of..." post which will give props to various parlors who excel in individual categories (e.g. Best Chili, Best Cheese, etc.). There are a couple of cans of chili left in our cupboard for us to try in our "Canned Chili Challenge". We will also still keep you up to date on the latest Cincinnati chili related news and deals. So there will still be plenty of content for the blog in 2012.

As always, thanks to everyone who reads and follows the quest!


  1. I am going to sincerely miss the Coney Quest, it's been such a wonderful trip. How about doing it all over again, maybe this time with 3-4-5 ways ;-)

  2. aw, thanks! We are going to miss it too...well our waist lines and heart probably won't miss it too much. But dont worry, the ride isn't quite over yet, so you can still enjoy it for the next couple of months!
